Saturday, 17 December 2011

Poetry (Update)


خسارات از مرد.

بزرگ منش کل.
بزرگ مرد
جلد سواد
در مسلسل.
محمد ناشر



Κατανάλωση φασιστής.
Εύθυμος Χριστούγεννα!
Χριστι εξεγείρομαι.
Σώμα από φωτεινός - μπλε.
Απόβλητα κάδος.
Καλωσορίζω σε ζωή.

Thursday, 15 December 2011


Music In Hindsight
In hindsight music constitutes different principles and follows different ruless depending on what is written in the music notes, please read 'Data Dragon - Reading' on how to read music.

I read Data Dragon and reading Music which seemed I had a patchy understanding of, came to me like a lightning bolt, I suddenly understood the principles of notes, signatures, clefs and so much more, perhaps I'm not going to get a BA in Music anytime soon, but you would be surprised how much this material has helped, I can now follow music which I would have difficulty following before through written music (sheet music/musical score), I have had Music lesson's before and contineously gone over the principles of Music with him, but after going over this and refreshing everything he said that went from one ear out the other, I remember a lot now and self-studying Piano keys and Sheet Music. I now can understand the principles, the materials helped even more.

During the 15th Century, Music was written in Manuscripts in the West, I am pleased to be divulging into Music as it has enlightened an area I never thought possible.

The first printed book to include music was by 'Mainz Psalter' in 1457.

Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Princeton University - Cloud Computing: 

So let me explain in lamenst terms what Cloud Computing is, well - what I think it is, basically through never using server based networks before apart from on MSN Live for my e-mail, they seem to be everywhere now and Cloud Computing has taken off. My father even at one point mentioned "Putting your data on the net with one password and all your private things will easily be accessible", he isn't a computer genuis, but damn he is right.

As this Priceton article raises, Cloud Computing is amazingly bad for security and privacy and also with new Social Networking and privacy becoming a 'tool' of the last century. We are now in a position where cloud-computing has taken off big-time.

I for one, was even unaware my Curriculum Vitae, my poetry, everything I sent by e-mail was being saved on MSN's Cloud Computing Servers, rather flawed isn't it?
I for one am not happy, I even got an offer of a position today which required a knowledge of Cloud Computing, but the alien term threw me off, I know what it is, just didn't associate the term.

Security is being breached very severely, whilst Photo Hosting Websites looked like the beginning to my knowledge oh so, some time ago, now servers are everywhere and it is big power. Whose to say as my dad said that a cracker will just find out the password protecting it and gain entry, it is so easy.
Personally even a PC would possibly be safer unless your server was extremely well defended.

But this is the future (sigh)... 

Of course Cloud Computing is the 'environmental friendly' term of the computer world, like recycling, essentially all that hard-drive space will probably not go to waste, BUT NOT BE SAFE.


Working with a Plumber -

I don't know anything more than the absolute elementry, or absolute basics, or maybe perhaps nothing about Plumbing until I took an interest in this today due to a leak in my house.

Basically when working with a plumber - you should always read your contract, not that I had a bad experience, but it is worth bearing in mind.

The history of plumbing goes back to the Latin word for lead, plumbum which means plumbing. Plumbing was extremely rare until the 19th century, I'm sure you know the Roman's had aqueducts as you can see in Italy, Rome, if you go there.

Plumbing originated from the ancient civilisations - Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian.

Much plumbing work in populated area's is regulated by the government, I am not an expert on the subject but if you look oh so carefully, in populated areas you can turn to private plumbers too.

Everything is regulated by the (HAP) Health Aspects of Plumbing, published jointly by the World Health Organization (WHO). 

Some areas of plumbing are...

  • Active fire protection
  • Coupling (piping)
  • Double-walled pipe
  • Elbow (piping)
  • Heat pipe
  • Nipple (plumbing)
  • Passive fire protection
  • Pipe cap
  • Pipe fitting
  • Piping
  • Piping and plumbing fittings
  • Plastic pipework
  • Plumbing & Drainage Institute
  • Street elbow
  • Trap (plumbing)
  • Trap primer
  • Union (plumbing)
  • Valve
  • Victaulic
  • Water pipe
Plumbing Drawing - A technical drawing that shows the system of piping for fresh water into the building and waste going out, both solid and liquid.

Below I will give a URL of a good website for general tips on the jargon used and how to fix your home, I imagine you can find your own through a search engine too.

I have listed two websites which will give you a general idea, Plumbing is you must know by now, a comprehensive field and I imagine if you fiddle with circuitry in a computer and damage it you will need to buy a new circuit or talk to a professional, same may go for a Pipe, but as its your home, I would rather talk to a professional, do it yourself if you feel absolutely confident or you have no alternatve is my motto. 

I have fiddled with circuitry before and made a big mess of it because I didn't know what I was doing, perhaps if you are really interested a plumbing course is for you.

Psychology and Psychiatry

 Does your name dictate your life choices?

According to these two articles - they do.

The first letter can apparently "influence decision, including whom we marry and where we move". This is very interesting, so is this true for me as an example, well I'm working for the Ministry of Justice and was offered a job by the Ministry of Defence, I wouldn't mind working for them, but the majority if not all apart from the above jobs do not start with 'M', so apparently I've not wanted any of the jobs I've worked as. Oh well, I didn't mind the BBC employment, that was fun, although BBC starts wih 'B' which abbreviates, British Broadcasting Corporation.
Amazing! Yet to me perhaps this research works on some more than others, depending on their psychological thought patterns rather than a 100% certainty that everyone is the same in this issue.
Apparently letter influence (ordering of letters) influence decision and judgement too, so what does this mean, does this mean that everyone who has the letter starting with M (me for example) will be judged the same.

Now, something has occured to me, girlfriends, I have had a reasonable few, but two of my girlfriends start with 'M' - English has 26 letters, so what are the chances the majority or 1/3rd of my girlfriends start with 'M', strange huh? Maybe I am predisposed to marry someone starting with 'M' in the future.

I totally think this is non-sensical after all, but it may just happen sub conciously and maybe we think differently depending on word order and structure, maybe we can even also associate letter ordering to memory with certain patterns which will retain, odd I know.

I would like to address this further, and if you would like to learn more - please read the two URL's (Ultra Relay Links) above.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Afghanistan - A Military History?

One point mentioned in the above URL, is that the writer details Afghanistan in the mid-1970's as a rural place with no direct conflict and issues and with rural land common-place, as he explains that is 'no more'.

Zahir Shah was overthrown (an Afghan king) in 1973, the images of himself were replaced by his son 'Daood'.

The Taliban is the major topic now despite the Taliban entering in the 1990's and the Russians beforehand with the Communist era before. The soviet union collapsed in 1991. In September 11th 2001 (which I assume you all know), Afghanistan became all so relevant.

Afghanistan is described as a landlocked country in between 5 countries, if you include the tiny border with China. If you look at a map you will see this visually.

Afghanistan has been a gateway for invaders, Cyrus the great, Alexander the great, Mahmud of Ghazni, Chinghis Khan, Tarmelane, Babur. During its time Afghanistan was a part of many different empires.
Afghanistan avoided state collapse and political disorder for the many years it has been in existance.

The Taliban (supported by Islamic jihadists and Pakistan) took over Kabul in 1996, the Taliban were largely Pashtun. Following the 9/11 attacks the Taliban fell even more quickly than they rose.
Afghanistan is medieval in the sense that religion plays a major part in the politics there.

Russia's withdrawal in 1989 started a civil war.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Protons, Neutrons and Electrons (Atoms)

Electron - Orbits the shells, they are tiny, very light particles which have a negative electrical charge.

Proton - This forms alongside Neutron the centre of the atom, they are much heavier and larger than electrons, and have the opposite charge.

Neutrons - Again in the centre of the atom, they are heavy like protons, however neutrons have no electrical charge.

Atoms - An 'atom' is the smallest part of an element that can exist on its own, atoms are so tiny that there are more atoms in a full stop than there are people in the world. It is now possible to see individual atoms by usig the most modern and powerful microscopes. However, nobody has yet seen inside an atom. 

Properties of protons, neutrons and electrons -

particle              relative mass             relative charge
proton, p                   1                         1+
neutron, n                   1                         0
electron, e                 1/1840                    1-


Isotopes -  

Any two or more species of the atom, of a chemical element, with the same atomic number and nearly identical chemical behaviour, but with differing atomic mass or mass number and different physical properties.

In each atom of an element, the number of protons in the nucleus is fixed. However, most elements contain atoms with different numbers of neutrons. These atoms are called isotopes, also explained in the first paragraph.

Carbon Isotopes-

isotope    atomic number   mass number protons neutrons electrons
12/6 C          6              12          6      6        6
13/6 C          6              13          6      7        6
14/6 C          6              14          6      8        6 

Periodic Table:


Theory and Philosophy

K, Anders Ericsson - Are Genuises Born or Made?

According to these  links, there are secrets of Polyglots and Savants, I wrote a piece called 'Osmosis and Hypnosis in Language Learning' which I imagine is one secret to learning a language, I imagine I have an uncanny skill with languages which is why I don't demonstrate K.Anders theory that you can make genuises and not be born as one, because I was naturally good at them, but with further quirks I became even better, even Polyglots have their limitations.
Although now as a result of expanding my knowledge and intwining the knowledge of Languages, I BELIEVE because of using the left-side of my brain for quite a long time and creativity at the same time (right) with poetry, I have initiated a new found knowledge over time and as my knowledge increaes, so does my retention, which is fascinating.

Obviously there are those who keep you behind as a polyglot, for instance University courses sometimes are too slow and keep you lagging behind and don't suit everyone's needs as they go at a pace fit for every single student, not just ONE.
I prefer going at a pace that suits me, I have demonstrated that this is the only way I work, otherwise if I go at a pace which doesn't (equal to everyone), I get preoccupied and fail, not always, but it happens, so basically keeping you behind is the word.

I completed my BTEC National Diploma in 1 year (alone a 2 year course) with another 2 qualifications and a 16 hour job, despite this I functioned and completed the set task, of course no reward, because of the fact that no-one understands or promotes my abilities.
I am not being smug or snobbish, but from my observation, I have noticed this, obviously because my school was a very poor school, so was my college, my University was going at a pace which I didn't find comfortable almost too slow, so I dabbled in other things and this overall destroyed my original plan for that University, despite me doing all the work, but I wanted to bite off more than I could chew, because I was capable.

I am capable, although no-one promotes my ability and there is not the facilities for people like me, espicially in a recession when they are making cutbacks.
Also suffering from a disability, which I will not name, like Daniel Tammet, perhaps not the same, but I feel indefinitely that I have a very light form of what he has, I have an interest in languages, I can learn so many at once, I think this particular disability which I will not name has made it possible for me to be a near-polyglot in under 3 years.

I hope to continue and learn more.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Afghanistan Philosophy (Shared)

Afghanistan Philosophie.
von Muhammad Nashir
Auf Englisch und Deutsch

Afghanistan Philosophy
by Mohammad Nashir
In English and German

Solomon: Bitte ausstellung mir Afghanistan!
Solomon: Please show me Afghanistan!

Jerome: Ich will zu gehen auch.
Jerome: I want to go too.

*Auf Afghanistan*
*In Afghanistan*

Solomon: Wow, Was soll wir vorführen?
Solomon: Wow, what shall we do?

Jerome: Ich will zu gehen zu Farhad Darya konzert.
Jerome: I want to go to Farhad Darya's concert.

Solomon: Gut idee.
Solomon: Good idea.

*Auf Farhad Darya konzert*
*In Farhad Darya's concert*

Solomon: Wow, das ist groß.
Solomon: Wow, this is great.

Jerome: Blick an alle die frau – glücklich.
Jerome: Look at all the women – happy.

Jerome: Das ist groß!
Jerome: This is great!

Solomon: Ich hoffnung die krieg halt.
Solomon: I just hope the war stops.

Jerome: Ich will zu hilfe der Afghan leute.
Jerome: I want to help the Afghan people.

Solomon: Ich liebe Afghanistan.
Solomon: I love Afghanistan

Jerome: Ich liebe er auch.
Jerome: I love it too.

Solomon: Ich will Afghan essen.
Solomon: I want to eat Afghan food.

Jerome: Lassen uns gehen essen.
Jerome: Let us go eat.

*An der Afghan restaurant*
*At the Afghan restaurant*

Solomon: Yum, köstlich.
Solomon: Yum, delicious.

Jerome: Tatsächlich.
Jerome: Indeed.

Solomon: Alles in allem, sehr gut.
Solomon: All in all, very good.

Jerome: Lassen uns gehen zu Deutschland.
Jerome: Let us go back to Germany.

*Auf Deutschland*
*In Germany*

Solomon: Wir solltest gehen wieder.
Solomon: We should go back.

Jerome: Sicher.
Jerome: Definitely/Sure.


Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Ahmed's Exploration (Shared) -

اکتشاف احمد
توسط محمد نشر .
در فارسی و انگلیسی

Ahmed's Exploration
By Mohammad Nashir
In Farsi and English

احمد: سلام برای
Ahmed: Hello Baray
برای: سلام احمد.
Baray: Hello Ahmed
احمد: برای, اجازه ما رفتن به قابل.
Ahmed: Baray, let us go to Kabul.
برای: خوب.
Baray: OK
احمد: من میخوام به رفتن و ساخت افغانستان دوستان.

Ahmed: I want to make Afghan friends.
برای: ما هستند ایرانی اما ما می تواند شدن دوستان.
Baray: We are Iranians but we can become friends.
*در افغانستان*
*In Afghanistan*
*یک بمب منفجر*
*A bomb explodes*
برای: چه باید ما انجام؟
Baray: What shall we do?
احمد: ما خواهد شد کمک از دوره.
Ahmed: We will help of course.
*احمد و برای کمک زخمی*
*Ahmed and Baray help the hurt*
دختر: تشکر از شما، شما هستند زیبا ایرانی.
Girl: Thank you, you are beautiful Iranian's.
*احمد و برای برگشت خانه*
*Ahmed and Baray return home*
احمد: ما ساخته ایران مغرور.
Ahmed: We made Iran proud.
برای: آری.
Baray: Yes

The End.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Journey to Afghanistan Story (Shared)

Journey to Afghanistan
In Farsi and English
سفر به افغانستان
به فارسی و انگليسی
Mohammad Nashir
محمد نشر

Ashtad – Young boy going to Afghanistan first time
اشتاد - جوان پسر رفتن به افغانستان برای اول زمان
Ehsan – Ashtad’s Father
احسان - اشتاد پدر
Leila – Ashtad’s friend in Afghanistan
لیلا اشتاد دوست به افغانستان
Ehsan: Wake up our plane leaves in 2 hours Ashtad.
احسان: بيداری بالا ما هواپيما برگها به دو ساعت
Ashtad: OK!
اشتاد: خوب
*Ehsan and Ashtad take the Ariana Airways airplane*
*احسان و اشتاد   آریانا  هواپيما گرفتن*
Ehsan: Thank you stewardess.
احسان: با تشکر از شما مهماندار هواپیما
*Ehsan and Ashtad arrive in Afghanistan, Kabul*
*احسان و اشتاد  به افغانستان، قبول رسیدن*
Ashtad: Wow, I’ve never been to Afghanistan, it looks spectacular.
اشتاد: وو، من اند هرگز بوده به افغانستان، تماشایی نگاه.
*Suddenly Ashtad and Ehsan see a young girl hit by a bullet while US troops come to rescue them*
*ناگهان افتاد و احسان دیدن جوان دختر اصابت توسط گلوله، ایالات متحده سربازان آمده به نجات*
Leila: Ahhh! L
لیلا: اهه. L
Ashtad: Help her!
اشتاد: به او کمک 
*The bullet is healed and Leila looks at Ashtad*
*گلوله است شفا و لیلا به  اشتاد نگاه.*
Leila: Hello!
لیلا: سلام!
Ashtad: Hello!
اشتاد: سلام!
*The two chatted and got to know each other very well*
*دو گفتگو و رو به دانستن هر دیگر بسیار خوب.*
Leila: I love you!
لیلا: من عشق شما.
Ashtad: I love you too!
اشتاد: من شما هم عشق.
Leila: Will we ever meet again after you leave?
لیلا: خواهد شد ما هرگز ملاقات دوباره پس از شما
Ashtad: Definitely!
اشتاد: قطعا!
*Ashtad kisses Leila goodbye and returns to the plane hoping to see the sights of Afghanistan again*
*اشتاد بوسه لیلا خدا حفیظ و بازگشت به هواپیما امید به دیدن مناظر از افغانستان دوباره.*
*2 Years later*
*دو سال بعد*
Ehsan: We heard news from Afghanistan Ashtad, Leila was in an accident and she was hurt she didn’t survive, this shows Afghanistan! I am sorry.
احسان: ما شنیده اخبار از افغانستان اشتاد، لیلا بود حادثه و بود صدمه، او بود نه زنده ماندن. این نشان افغانستان! من هستم متاسفم.
Ashtad: Noo!
اشتاد: ندارد!
The End