Mohammad has received two qualifications as of 1st March 2012...
This was a ....
Certificate in Maths/Numeracy
Level 4 Diploma in Accounting and Finance (equiv. Certificate of Higher Education).
He is now qualified to place SAC Dip, after his name.
Currently he has a great number of qualifications outstanding, including his 'Teaching Math (Grades 4-6)' which is expected end of March.
However, in order for development in Mathematics, further research and courses are needed as these qualifications do not direct an approach of theory or applied Mathematics which could be valuable. They are not as theoretical as expected. However they have increased knowledge which will still provide an aid.
The next project may or may not be...
* TESOL Diploma
* Quantitative Methods(QM)
These qualifications are at Higher Education level and are significantly more difficult than the previous qualifications, QM would enable decision making in producing experiments and accurate statistics for research and TESOL Dip, would allow further research in English Linguistics, or at least I would hope, as the courses are directed towards speakers of other languages, but concentrates on Language acquisition to a pre-Masters level.
I apologize to all whom regularly come to my website in search for articles and research and have not found any recently, as I have been studying hard (courses) and my effort can usually be only concentrated towards one focus.
However, I will try to update when I can.
I would ideally like to conclude research on the following topics....
* What is truth? In essence -
* Persian Linguistics in a Medical Interpreting Environment
These I hope I will have time to publish, if not I apologize, however real life draws to the mind.
According to an article I read (forgive me for not referencing/citing it) blogging is the new journalism niche tool for the general public and you can share articles at a power of a button. As my visitors always increase, I have seen potential in my blog and I feel it would only go to waste, not to work more on it.
We will see what the future draws near....
Please keep reading the articles I currently have on Amazon and I have luckily produced a couple of poems in the last month, they can be found on PoemHunter or PoetrySoup.
Your Blogger.
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